Event Tickets: Pre-event Setup: Setting Up Event Categories / Venues

Event Tickets: Pre-event Setup: Setting Up Event Categories / Venues

Event Categories / Venues

  • In the Magento Admin Panel, go toCatalogEvent Tickets by Aheadworks → Venues
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  • You will be directed to theVenuespage. This will show a list of your event categories / venues.
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  • Creating a new Event Category / Venue
    • To add a new event category / venue, clickAdd Venue.
    • You will be directed to theNew Venuepage.
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        • General Information
          • Nameis the name of the event category / venue.
          • Enable Venue sets whether that category or venue can be used for Spaces.
            • We will learn more about Spaces in the next section.
            • This setting should remain on.
          • Address(Optional) is the address of the venue.
            • If the venue will be used as an event category rather than a venue, you can leave this blank.
        • Storefront Description
          • Titleis how the category or venue appears on the website. This is automatically set as theName.
          • Description(Optional) is information about the category or venue you would like to show on the website.
            • This will appear on the ticket purchase page.
        • Assigned Spaces
          • This section encompassesall the spaces assigned to the venue.
            • The grid consists of the following columns: ID, Venue, Name, Status, and Sectors Qty.
      • As an example, let's setup a Nature Reserve venue:
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If you have not already setup your ticket types, you can read about this processhere.

If you have already setup your ticket types, you can continue toSetting Up Spaces, Sectors, and Number of Tickets Online.

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