Custom Forms

Custom Forms

This article is a summary of how to add custom forms to your site, edit them, and export data. For more information about forms,see the guide here.

Navigation, Configuration, and Menus

  • General settings can be found under Amasty> Custom Forms
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  • Admin Notification
    • Enable Notification to Email:Sends emails to your email list when customers submit a response.
    • Send Emails To: Controls which emails will be sent to by default. Individual forms can override this
    • Email Sender / Email Template: Controls which email address and which email template will be used


  • Reply Form Configuration
    • When you reply on a form response, you can receive a copy of the reply
    • Email Sender / Email Template: Controls which email address and which email template will be used
    • Send Blind Copy to: Will BCC emails on this list. 


  • Autoresponder
    • When customers submit a form response, the website can send them an email to let them know a response was received.
    • An email must be collected in the form or be used from the customer's account in order to use this feature
    • Enable Auto Response: If this is off, emails will not be sent to customers when they submit the form.
    • Email Sender / Email Template: Controls which email address and which email template will be used


Creating and Editing a Form

  1. Navigate toContent >Forms, or use the link from the Amasty section
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  2. Configure general settings. Here are some of the common settings used
    • Form Information
      • Title: The name of the form
      • Code: The internal code of the form, not seen by the customer
      • SuccessUrl: If you want to send the customer to a specific page after they submit, add that here.
      • CustomerGroups: If you want to limit this to specific customer groups, set that here
      • Status: If the form is active or not
    • Form Content
      • Submit Button: The text used in the button at the bottom of the form
      • Success Message: The message displayed after submitting. Note, this will not always display on homepages, depending on your store's design.
  3. Edit the form
    • Drag and drop form parts to create your form. Each piece can be edited, renamed, and adjusted to control what it collects.
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  4.  Embedding
    • Copy theCms Embedding Code
    • Insert this into a cms page or block. To see how to edit these,see our article here.

Exporting Responses

  1. Go toContent >Custom Forms>Submitted Data
    • Here you'll be able to view all the submissions to your forms, filter them, and export them
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    • At the top of the screen, you can use any of the filters to narrow down which submissions you're looking at.
      • For example, you can filter by the form code, date submitted, response status, and more. This lets you view submissions for just 1 form in the last week that you haven't replied to, which will have the pending status.
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    • If you want to export these responses, you can export as a csv file from the top of the screen.
      • This will export all of the data visible to your currentfilters.
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Additional Information:

See the full Amasty documentation at

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