CPC: Counterpoint Product Information Checklist

CPC: Counterpoint Product Information Checklist

This article covers what information you'll need to set on your products in Counterpoint that will be visible to customers in your Magento webstore.

Top Section


  • Item number - Depending on your stores theme, this may be shown in the customer view.
  • Description - This will be used as the name of your product in the webstore.




"Price-1" is the default price used by the store.

  • This can be adjusted at Setup> Ecommerce> Control> Prices> List Price


This tab is only applicable for gridded items, and will show what items are related.



  • Ecommerce Item
    • Must be enabled for the item to appear on the website
  • Images
    • The image must be named to match the item number and placed in the item images folder of your counterpoint installation
    • For example, this item would need an image of ADM-TL7.png or ADM-TL7.jpg
    • For more details,see this article.
  • HTML description
    • This is the description listed in the product information section on the website
  • Category
    • This is the category used on the website
      • It can be set for individual products here
      • It can be set for multiple products at the same time, seethis section.
    • This does not need to match what category is set in the main tab.
      • The main category tab sets the category in Counterpoint for internal use
      • This setting sets the category for the store website
      • This allows you to organize products in different ways for internal and public use.


  • Web Enabled
    • Must be enabled for the customer to see the product
    • If disabled while "Ecommerce item" is enabled, the product is only visible in the web store's admin panel.
  • Sell Units
    • These are selected by default, and generally do not need to be adjusted.
    • In Setup> Ecommerce> Control> Items> Units Allowed, if the "Multiple Units" option is selected, disabling units for an item will disabling selling that unit.

More information on this section can befound here.

Setting Categories for Multiple Products

In Setup> Ecommerce> Categories, you can modify your store's eCommerce categories and add multiple items at the same time.

  • In this menu, categories must contain only items or only categories, not both.
  • Once on the website, items will be listed as inside each category their categories are within.
    • For example, the Adams 7 Wodd here in Golf> Golf Equipment> Golf Clubs will appear in all 3 categories on the website.
    • An item in Apparel> Men's will be shown as inside the two categories.


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