CounterPoint: The item's CPCommerce tab

CounterPoint: The item's CPCommerce tab

CP-Commerce adds a new tab to the Item form in CounterPoint. It looks like this:


Below is an explanation of what each of these fields do.

  • Web Enabled Checkbox: This is checked by default. If it is un-checked, the product will be "disabled" in magento. Disabled products will not be accessible from the front end but will still appear in the admin list of products.

  • Allow Backorder Checkbox:If checked, a customer will be able to purchase the item when it is out of stock. They will be notified that it is on backorder.

  • Always In Stock Checkbox: If checked, the item will always be available for purchase on your site regardless of the quantity in stock. The customerwill not be notified that it is out of stock or on backorder. This is ideal for items that you manufacture yourself or know you will be able to obtain and ship out quickly.

  • Web Archive Checkbox:This field is for items that you no longer wish to sell on your website. The item will remain on the website, however it will be permanently out of stock and customers will only be able to navigate to it via a direct URL. This is a better alternative to deleting the item, because any links to the item will still redirect to your store instead of leading to a broken page. 

  • Sell Stocking Unit& Sell Unit 1-5: These fields will all be checked by default. They define which units are available for purchase online. If you uncheck one, that unit will not be given as an option for the product.

    • Note:These are only relevant if you have "Multiple Units" selected in Ecommerce Control.
  • Minimum Sale Quantity: This determines the minimum quantity of a single item that a customer must have in their shopping cart in order for them to purchase it. If left blank, the customer only needs to have a quantity of one for the item to purchase it. 

  • Out Of Stock Quantity: This field defines when the item will be set as "out of stock." If left blank, it will be out of stock when the item's inventory reaches the out of stock quantity configured in Magento. If you put an amount in this field, the item will not be available for purchase once the stock quantity reaches that amount.

    • Note:This is a per item override for the globalQty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stocksetting in Magento Configuration> Inventory> Product Stock Options (default: 0)
  • Visibility: This field defines how the item will be visible on the website. Items have a default visibility set depending on the type of item it is.
    • Note:This setting should not need to be changed.
  • Downloadable Fields: These fields help you to configure downloadable items. Checking the box will make the item sync to Magento as a Downloadable Product. The download limit is the maximum number of times a user can download the product. The file is the download link, and the sample is a smaller part of the download that the user can preview before purchasing.

  • Parent Attributes& Child Values: This section allows you to create a parent-child relationship between two or more items. It works similar to a Gridded Item. To set up an item as a parent, you would check the "Parent Item" checkbox and select at least one "Parent Attribute." The parent attributes are different options that you can have for an item, such as size and color (similar to Grid dimensions.) On the other hand, if you want to make the item a child, you must first have another item that is set up as it was just explained. Once that is complete, you select the parent item in the "Parent Item Number" field. Next, you have to match up all of the Parent Attributes with Child Values. For example, The parent might have "Color" for Attribute 1 and "Size" for Attribute 2, while the child item may have something like "Red" for Child Value 1 and "Medium" for Child Value 2. These items will sync to Magento in a similar manner to Items with a Grid.

    • You can read more about setting this relationshiphere.

Database Columns

The following tables outline the names of the database fields for each, as well as their default values.

The default values listed below are what we define at the time of the initial sync install - they can be changed depending on client's needs, and may not completely match up with your specific Counterpoint instance.

FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
General Stocking Info
Web Enabled


Allow Backorder


Web Archive



FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
Alt Unit Availability

FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
Minimum Quantities
Minimum Sale QuantityUSR_CPC_MIN_SALE_QTY
Out of Stock QuantityUSR_CPC_MIN_QTY

FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
Downloadable Fields

FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
Parent Relationship Fields
Parent Attribute 1USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_1
Parent Attribute 2USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_2
Parent Attribute 3USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_3
Parent Attribute 4USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_4
Parent Attribute 5USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_5
Parent Attribute 6USR_CPC_CONFIG_ATTR_6

FieldDatabase Column NameDefault Value
ChildRelationship Fields

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